Our Services

At NeuroVision Solutions, our suite of services is thoughtfully curated to empower the research community, offering a holistic approach to neuroscience investigations. We are committed to revolutionizing the landscape of vision science, providing the tools and expertise necessary for groundbreaking discoveries in this dynamic field.

Customized Psychophysical Experiment Design

Precision-crafted experimental designs that incorporate visual stimuli paradigms, facilitating rigorous neuroscientific inquiries with a focus on methodological soundness and data robustness

Advanced Eye
Data Processing

Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms and methodologies to meticulously process raw ocular positional data, transforming it into precise and actionable insights, crucial for the elucidation of eye movement patterns

Fixation Heat Map Production & Analysis

Crafting fixation heat maps for spatial visualization and statistical analysis, enabling a comprehensive understanding of gaze fixation patterns and areas of visual interest

Eye Movement
Scan Path Analysis

In-depth analysis and visualization of eye movement scan paths, affording researchers a granular view of sequential gaze points, enhancing the comprehension of cognitive processes and visual perception

Sophisticated Image Processing Techniques

Employing state-of-the-art image processing methodologies to refine and manipulate visual stimuli, ensuring the highest fidelity and relevance for nuanced neuroscientific investigations

Machine Learning Integration

Harnessing the power of advanced machine learning algorithms to extract intricate insights and patterns from eye data, augmenting research precision and scalability

Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks

Leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to delve deep into the neural representation of visual stimuli, enabling sophisticated feature extraction and cognitive modeling